SHOCKING fashion & lifestyle photography!

We are absolutely feeling our very own Dana Jonas’ Shocking Goat  lifestyle photography shoot. The colors are like WOW and the locations are too much fun. With a set full of beautiful models, talented stylists, funky fresh fashion designs, and an absolutely SHOCKING product, we couldn’t ask for a better team to collaborate with. These watches have been on trend, seen on celebrities and has become a Seattle favorite. The timepieces are all so colorful, which of course matches spunky Dana Jonas’ style well. She was nothing short of stoked to have the opportunity to highlight such a fun product, she definitely brought the lifestyle of the brand to life. Read below to find out Dana’s insight on this refreshing shoot:

This fashion and lifestyle photography shoot was a blast! From the one of a kind designer fashion by Alexander Aesthetic, to the great talent from Seattle Model’s Guild and the amazing product which brought us all together, it was definitely a shoot to remember. Dhruva, the CEO of shocking goat, is a hoot and none of this would have been possible without his genius mind when it came to how he wanted his product represented. One of the best collaborations I’ve been a part of to date 🙂 Also, I should give a shout-out to the amazing stylist and producer, Kayleigh Capelle! It has been one of my favorite shoots to date. Lots of laughs and fun times! You should definitely check out the video, to see what my energy is like on set. And, oh, don’t judge me for my potty mouth at the end of the video, haha!

Check out the behind the scenes video to catch a glimpse of the on-set action and energy of this fun shoot.

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 See below for a few of our favorite lifestyle photography images from the shoot:

lifestyle photography

lifestyle photography

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Studio 3 has eyes on Bill Cunningham!

While Portland may not be perceived as a fashion epicenter like NYC or LA, the fashion buzz surrounding the Pacific Northwest is undeniable. Our independent, eco-friendly atmosphere has led to three of the nine winners of Project Runway to call Portland home at one time or another. As our city gains notoriety in the fashion world, we decided to look back at the long career of photographer Bill Cunningham and his decades of work documenting New York fashion trends.
Feast your eyes on these candid images from Cunningham’s column “On The Street” and be sure to watch the Times produced documentary “Bill Cunningham New York”, click here to see the trailer!

Behind the Scenes at Sugar Wheel Works!

You know it’s going to be a great shoot when your client greets you at the door with fresh brewed coffee and a big plate of donuts. Jude Kirstein, owner of Sugar Wheel Works, is a staple in the growing cycling scene here. Jude masterfully creates hand-built bicycle wheels in her ultra hip shop located in Northeast Portland. We had tons of fun and can’t wait to show you the final video edit. In the meantime, check out these behind the scenes stills from the shoot!



30's fashion photography with Designer Peter Czar

Dana Jonas was getting her fashion photography on! Her good friend Peter Czar designed the epic clothes featured in the photographs. We were also lucky enough to shoot in a beyond gorgeous home, we are talking museum quality, the house was unreal. When we say unreal, it not only was gorgeous, it was full of beautiful props, furniture, knick-knacks and artifacts galore. Couldn’t have set the stage better for this 30’s fashion photography shoot. As most fashion photography shoots, this one was inspired by the clothes. We couldn’t have asked for anything more shimmering, delicate, & feminine! Thanks Peter Czar. As for Dana, she has a few words of her own:

Oh man, I felt like a bull in a China factory! Although, thank god, I wasn’t. I remember there were little tea-cups sitting out, and I thought to myself “those are probably worth more than my car”. Haha. On the serious side of the things, the shoot was fantastic. For the first picture, I was bleeding a light head to get the power down on the lights, and turned the head around the face the wall behind me. The wood in this house was a beautiful dark, almost red color. The light gave the shadows in the picture a beautiful amber tone, and created the reflection on the antique throttle. The model was gorgeous and I couldn’t ask for her to wear the gorgeous clothing creations any better. The lighting, the fabric, everything came together so perfectly. There are those incredible moments, when everything just comes together so perfectly. Those are the shots I truly live for and what makes fashion photography more then just a picture, but more like a toast to the clothing itself.


Fashion Photography


To Check Out More Gorgeous Images Visit Our Website!

To Learn More About Peter, Check Out his Website!

Catherine Loyer- Modelicious!

Jim, owner and photographer at Studio 3, has photographed Catherine numerous times. You could call her his muse. Not only is she a fantastic model and ready for any crazy ideas he throws at her, she is also an amazing musician. Which means her and Jim have a lot to talk about!

Check out her music online here!

Rosemary Anderson High School!

Over the last few years Studio 3 has donated time to Rosemary Anderson High School in North Portland. This unique alternative high school works with inner city youth coming from difficult backgrounds, being committed to building strong interpersonal relationships.
From shooting the ‘yearly prom’ to the ‘daily life’ we feel very blessed to be a part of their experience.


Vehicle Photography that will Inspire an Adventure!

We’ll help you plan your next adventure and escape your current dilemma with Jim Felt’s newest addition to our vehicle photography portfolio. Read on to learn about his inspiration behind the shoot:

My absolute inspiration behind this shoot was the Red Cadillac. I saw it leaving a repair shop and knew I had to shoot it. I hunted down the owner and was lucky enough to bring the awesome ride into the studio. This allowed us to create not only my image but the other in addition some great vehicle photography for the studio’s portfolio.
When visualizing my shoot, I was stuck between creating a vintage, time correct piece versus a high roller who owns the car in the new millennium. I decided to go with a Vegas theme that looks as if it could have been shot last week. The thought was a showgirl on the run, hence the real gun and fur coat. I wanted to end with one Bad Ass picture. Originally in my thought process I was thinking red car, redhead…it just so happens I knew just the model and she was perfect for the theme.
In order to capture this image, I used a tall ladder with the camera mounted on top. I wanted the camera mounted on the ladder, so I could step down and direct the model from the shooting floor. I also chose to have a tight shot, so we would not have to enhance the background in digital. We added the yellow stripes in the studio and I lit it to have the vehicle reflect Las Vegas like lights. In order to create these reflections you could say I lit it with a bit of everything. Then wham bam, the image was captured.
I think my favorite thing about this image is how it leaves you questioning…Is she a gangster? Did she kill someone? Is she in trouble? What exactly is she running from? We may never know, but what we do know is we ended up with a great image that in the model’s terms is ‘cool & shit’.


Vehicle Photography

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Lifestyle Photography: Partying On A Bar!

It’s no question we like to get our party on. The one thing we like more then partying is taking lifestyle photography of the party! We were lucky enough to use the awesome, well known Unicorn space to get our photo party on. Up in Capitol Hill this bar has been a great spot to get your drink on any night of the week. With a crazy theme and a newly opened downstairs area, it was the perfect place for a fun shoot.
Our favorite picture from the shoot is expressed both through color and in black & white. The inspiration was a funny spin on the typical cell phone ad, that highlights the use of the cell phone…from an amazing camera, to being able to share everything on demand. As much as that is a perk in today’s digital world there are some things that we don’t necessarily want to be shared with the world. For example dancing on the bar after a few too many cocktails. 🙂 Regardless it was a great shoot, art directed by Laura Swales and Jen Hitchcock to create the perfect lifestyle photograph that makes you wish you were young and dumb all over again.
Regardless, we would love to know which image you like best. Go to our Facebook page and let us know if you prefer the black and white or the color!! Also, we would love to have you shooting a party with us on your next shoot!
We would like to also send a huge thanks to Brian Oh and his wonderful friends for modeling and to the Unicorn for letting us use their amazing space! 🙂 The images wouldn’t be possible without the excellent space or our fun models!

Dana Jonas, photography

Lifestyle Photography

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Claudine Ebel: Styling Made Fun!

Every project we work on is a collaborative effort, with a team of people behind it that make it all come together. Working like this is a great experience because it allows for every person to focus on their piece of the project while getting to help and learn from others, and most of all meets cool, new people in the process! Speaking of cool people, it’s our pleasure to feature our friend and stylist-extraordinaire, Claudine Ebel on the blog today!

Claudine might have one of the best attitudes of anyone we’ve ever worked with.  ‘I love this! I love this!’ You can always tell when Claudine Ebel has entered the studio!  Full of creativity and fun-loving energy, she has had a great fashion sense from the get-go. She recalls that at age 5 her mom’s friends would ask who was dressing her! Little did they suspect that the cute kid whose style impressed them would grow up to be a stylist highly demanded in the industry. As Claudine would put it: ‘I was born to style.’

Having her natural talents guiding her the whole way, she’s ecstatic to be prospering in her career, saying that she’s “living the dream and it only gets better.” We at Studio 3 are lucky enough to be able to join her in saying that we’re living a dream, getting to work on cool projects for awesome clients and constantly meeting great new people. And of course, we’re always happy to help support another’s dream. Claudine Ebel’s presence is truly bright and always positive, making every shoot we work with her on a great working environment.

Take a look at Claudine’s talent from the shoot below, and be sure to check out her work in action, in her production, Flight Serena here! Keep up the great work, Claudine!

Claudine Ebel