Getting Healthy in the New Year?

Alright guys, let’s face it, New Year’s resolutions are everyone’s best friend and worst enemy.  They’re always a great way to justify dropping bad habits or picking up healthy ones, but somehow they always manage to get away from us all too quickly.  The most popular resolution anyone we’ve met has ever made is definitely to be healthier, be it making efforts to lose some weight, hitting the gym to get some muscles, or just learning to eat right and feel great all the time.  To help keep all of you as well as ourselves on track with those health related resolutions, Studio 3 put together a short list of healthy snacks we’ve learned about through our food photography, drink photography, and product photography projects for you to check out!

Sahale Snacks

We love getting to shoot for Sahale Snacks and we love their amazing snacks just as much!  Something a lot of people don’t realize about dieting and eating healthy is that fats aren’t all evil: good fats do exist and they’re in some tasty treats (especially nuts)!  Case in point: Sahale Snacks.  Founded on the simple idea of “taking all-natural ingredients, adding a dash of culinary magic, and producing great tasting snacks”.   Our recommendations: Cashews with Pomegranate and Vanilla and the Sing Buri Nut Blend.

Synergy Drinks

While kombucha might be a little bit of a daunting beverage to some because of the process to make it, we’ve found only great things in GT’s Kombucha from Synergy Drinks.  Each bottle offers a high amount of your daily vitamins and is a good source of probiotics that can aid in digestion.  Our flavor recommendations: Gingerade, Multi-Green, and Botanic no. 9.

KIND Snacks

One snack food we have around the Seattle studio at all times are KIND bars.  A favorite of our favorite food photographer, David Bell, these deliciously healthy bars are transparent about their ingredient list, letting you know exactly what you’re putting into your body.  They’re great for a simple breakfast snack, quick energy boost, or as an afternoon comfort food when on the go like we are here.  So happy David turned us on to these awesome products!  Our recommendations: Oats & Honey, Vanilla Blueberry, Apple Cinnamon & Pecan, and literally everything else they have!
Yum’s never felt so good!

Gettin' Our Fashion Photography on at Discovery Park!

It was a beautiful early winter day and Dana Jonas decided to take one of her favorite models out to get her fashion photography on! It was a great day to capture lens flares and the beauty of a well knit sweater. The difficulty of fashion photography lies in creating an idealistic image, that makes you not only want to seize the day, but also while wearing this season’s newest boots.
Dana Jonas does love a challenge and couldn’t believe the fall like images she was able to capture. Tricia Eastman was her model and was nothing short of exceptional for this All American beauty shoot. The inspiration behind this particular shoot was the Northwest, getting cozy and enjoying a walk around beautiful Discovery Park. Dana was able to capture images that look as if they have a natural filter. However, we must admit the best thing about this shoot is most likely the location.
If you are looking for a great place to show off your Winter fashion you should definitely check out one of our favorite locations, Discovery Park. It is situated on the Magnolia bluff overlooking the Puget Sound. It is one of the most beautiful Seattle city parks and allows for such day activities as paddle boating, kayaking, and hiking. It is basically a Northwester’s dream! The park also has a charming lighthouse that would be inviting to anyone. It’s a must to check out the beach and the old row of yellow houses. We look forward to our next shoot at this stunning Seattle park. To shoot at this park commercially, contact Seattle Parks for a permit. You can check out Dana’s images from the fashion photography shoot below and for more information on Discovery Park, check out their website!

Fashion Photography

fashion photography

fashion photography

To See More Fashion & Lifestyle Images Check Out Our Website!

Fashion Photography: Making Public Transportation Look Good!

fashion photography

fashion photography

With the year coming to an end and a couple more chilly months on their way, it’s the perfect time to start expanding those winter wardrobes.  Here in the Pacific Northwest, we know it’s always important to stay dry and warm, but why not look good while doing so?  Studio 3, Inc. Seattle got stylishly adventurous while working on some fashion photography for a Baggallini advertisement pitch!

Check out the fresh winter fashion photography, Studio 3 style, below.  Our photographer, stylist, and model spent the day on location (well, many locations), riding the bus around downtown Seattle to get these awesome shots.  What a fun surprise it must’ve been for their fellow riders to realize they’d found themselves in the middle of a photo shoot, out in the wild!  In true Studio 3 fashion, even a normal city bus can be turned into a stunning runway on wheels!

As we love to do, we at Studio 3 have made our little list of favorites again, and this time it’s all about our go-to winter accessories, the things that help us survive that cold winter breeze and let us look and feel good doing so:


The must have-staple of any wardrobe, hoodies are probably one of the greatest things ever invented.  They warm your arms and head like a wearable blanket and are the perfect way to start any layered outfit.  Wearing a hoodie is like wearing a hug: warm, soft, and full of love. 


When a hood isn’t enough and you need to get that head warm (and you also want to look cute, of course), it’s time to whip out the trusty knit beanie.  If a hoodie is a hug that stays with you throughout the day, a beanie is a wearable pat on the head: comforting, encouraging, and feels like you’re home.

A Cool Ceramic Mug

You know how drinking Coca-Cola out of a tall glass bottle just tastes better than out of a can? Well trust us, the same goes for every warm beverage and what you drink it out of.  Our surefire way of feeling comfy and cozy in the office on cold days is by sipping our tea, coffee, hot chocolate, and every now and then a hot toddy out of our personal favorite mugs.  If a hoodie is a portable blanket for your outsides, then a warm drink in your best mug is a blanket for your insides! 

Stay warm, but also fashionable, dear friends!

To View More Fashion Photography Check Out Our Website!

Grass Fed Photography

grass fed

grass fed

grass fed

Portland Photographer Henry Ngan recently took a week long photographic tour of a few ranches in Eastern Oregon that are part of the Country Natural Beef Cooperative. Country Natural Beef is a marketing cooperative started in 1984 by Doc and Connie Hatfield in Eastern Oregon with the commitment of its members to produce naturally raised grass fed beef using environmentally sustainable practices and humane treatment of animals. Doc Hatfield said “Our consumers know where the cattle come from, and they know the people who produced it”. With camping gear and camera equipment in tow, Henry stepped into a different world of cowboys and the open range. Throughout his five-day, four-night venture into the ranching world, he took his lifestyle photography to the next level, actually stepping into the life itself and was able to capture many unique moments including horse wrangling, cattle herding, family life on the ranch and plenty of gorgeous landscapes.

Henry enjoyed the warm welcome of the families that own and operate Probert Ranch in Vale, Foster Ranch outside of Baker City, Mallory Ranch towards the Wallowa’s, and the McClaran Ranch in Joseph. Says Henry about his experience:

I camped out at each of the ranches amongst the Angus and Herefords in my Jeep, gazing at the stars in the clear night sky. I could see deer once in awhile passing through while the cows grazed.

My equipment of choice was Canon 5D MkII with an assortment of lenses from a 70-200mm to an 85mm to a 16-35mm. I found that cattle can be skittish and easily spooked if you are a stranger. That made it difficult to get really close to them without warming up to them first and some coaxing along the way and hiding behind blinds such as stacks of logs. Life is tough on a cattle ranch. Everyone works hard in an often times harsh environment especially during the winter and during calving season. My plan was to capture some of this way of life. I will have to go back to capture the seasonal nature of ranching. During the winter, the cattle are driven into the valleys and canyons where it is warmer and where they can get to the grass away from the snow. The following spring, they are moved again into the higher elevations.

Photographer Neil DaCosta joined Henry for the last two days, taking the “old school” route and shooting with a 500 CM Hasselblad and Kodak film (remember film?). Both photographers had a blast, roughing it on the wide-open ranges and shooting some amazing imagery.

All four ranches are family-owned and have been operating since the late 1980’s. Country Natural Beef and their ranchers uphold the highest humane animal practices and use environmentally sensitive land management practices.

Conveniently Exclusive Documentary Photography: Al Gore

Portrait Photography

Documentary Photography

Hired by the Super Computing 2009 Conference team, Henry Ngan of Studio 3 was the only official show photographer to shoot documentary photography of Al Gore at the Portland event. Al Gore was featured as the keynote speaker, addressing the theme, “Computing for a Changing World.”

In Henry’s words, “The highlight of the conference was shooting documentary photography of Al Gore. I was the only media allowed in a private meeting with the conference leaders and the former United States Vice President. It was a true honor.” This was the 21st annual conference, recognized globally as the premier international event on High Performance Computing or HPC.

The show floor at the Oregon Convention Center was the epicenter of enormous bandwidth flow to various HPC computing consortiums around the world. There was the bandwidth challenge whereby various teams were competing in order to set new records for sustained data transfer among storage systems from around the world. They were able to achieve data flow of 110 gigabits per second (Gbps), sustained indefinitely among clusters of servers on the show floor and those at Caltech, Michigan, San Diego, Florida, Fermilab, Brookhaven, CERN, Brazil, Korea, and Estonia. In the LHC challenge, a peak bidirectional data flow of 119 Gbps was achieved. We will be able to solve the world’s problems in a shorter time span due to achievements we see today. We are talking globally distributed data analysis here in order for worldwide collaboration amongst physicists, scientists, and engineers that Henry Ngan was able to capture. There is just so much data that needs to move between all these supercomputers as quickly as possible that it is truly mind boggling to the average person and Studio 3 was happy to shoot these hi tech geniuses. As a photographer and a computing junky (Geek), Henry Ngan was able to capture and experience all this electrifying excitement on the convention floor in Portland. If you want to know more, go to this link:

Read below for Henry Ngan’s documentary photography shooting experience:

I used Canon 5D MkIIs for this shoot with various lenses from a 70-200mm to a 16-35mm wide angle to capture all the events unfolding from keynotes, to ribbon cutting, to information sessions, to group shots of various organizations. We had an older Canon 5D in the corner of the main floor doing time-lapse photography of the whole event. The 5D MkII performed well using high ISO settings with little noise problems. I had to be able to capture all the ambient lighting because many of the exhibits were lit up glitzy like Las Vegas. Canon speedlites were used to fill in or create some direction in some cases.

Documentary Photography

Documentary Photography

Documentary Photography

Documentary Photography

Click here to view more of Henry’s photos from the entire conference!

On-Location: Nintendo DS Lite + Wii

Nintendo’s newest version of the world’s best-selling portable game system has reported record-breaking consumer response. The new Nintendo DSi sold nearly 500,000 units in the first week following its US launch on April 5, 2009. Studio 3, Inc’s Seattle office was once again hired by Nintendo to shoot an on-location lifestyle photography campaign that spanned across the west coast, from a rainy university campus in Seattle to the sun-drenched beaches of Los Angeles.
The six-day project featured DSi users hanging out with friends at school, lounging in the sand, and relaxing at home. Studio 3′s producers hired a team of trusted stylists to help beautify the cast of 50 booked models and worked with local scouts to find and secure ten different locations for the on-location shots. The images are currently being featured in online DSi campaigns and will be included in various print applications both domestically and internationally throughout the year!
Among those fifty models, our stylists, assistants, and photographer, one thing held true all around: everyone had a favorite Nintendo game. So, in honor of all the memories and fun video games have provided us, we did some digging to see what games hit home in the Studio 3 Seattle office!
Let’s start off with what might be one of the most universally loved games of all time: GoldenEye 007. I think it’s safe to say that at least 50% of all sleepovers in the 90’s included at least 3-4 hours of intense GoldenEye matches.
Next up is quite a kick back to the days of SNES (Super Nintendo Entertainment System… yes that old one for all you young’ns): Scooby Doo Mystery. There’s something to be said about getting to play video games inspired by our favorite TV shows and movies and that something is “heck yes”.
Another Seattle office favorite that also bridges the TV-video game divide is the Pokemon series (Blue and Red, of course) for the Game-Boy system. As far as becoming a real trainer goes, the games got us as close as we could get without finding real Pokemon to catch. High fives to any of you that still remember those original American commercials with the school bus full of the Pokemon and how much you wished you could get on there!
Last and most certainly not least, while it might not be a game originally made by Nintendo, Space Invaders will always reign as one of the most fun, classic pieces of entertainment of all time. Whether played on a CRT TV monitor, a Game-Boy of any generation, a phone, or that Texas Instruments calculator everyone has for high school math, fending off those little aliens is infinitely fun and stressful in the best way.
Happy gaming y’all!
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