Beverage Photographer David Bell Espresso Made Easy!

It’s a known fact that all of us, at Studio 3 Inc., love coffee. One thing we love more than drinking this delectable beverage is highlighting its beauty through the lens. Our most recent Drink Series was shot and the set was designed by Beverage Photographer David Bell, characterizing the steps necessary to make a fantastic cup of coffee with the amazing Moka Pot. David, details his inspiration behind this specific shoot, along with his love for the product:

When I was in Italy, staying with a family, this was how our coffee was made every day. What a wonderful memory! Ahhh…the smell of espresso is always accessible when you have a Moka Pot, more commonly known as the “stovetop espresso maker”. The coffee that the Moka Pot makes is a cross between espresso and drip coffee. It’s simplicity is similar to Instant Coffee with an amazing flavor. It’s strong, but not bitter – perfection!

This product was brought to us thanks to it’s wonderful creators Luigi De Ponti and Alfonso Bialetti. This invention, has made enjoying espresso available to everyone, which is what I wanted to showcase in my step by step imagery. So I decided to create a series showcasing the brilliance of this machine.

I shot this series utilizing one of my favorite cameras the Hasselblad H-39. I also used a very long lens in order to capture the detail and the background. For image composition I used bright colored cups to help separate the pot from the background. This helps to create color and interesting reflections in the product.

As long as you have the right bean variety and grind, you can always count on a wonderful cup of joe anytime of day!

David Bell’s Espresso Made Easy Image Series is below!

Beverage Photographer

Beverage Photographer

Beverage Photographer

Beverage Photographer

Beverage Photographer

To view more Drink Photography created by David Bell and other photographers at Studio 3 please click here!