Cocktails, there's an app for that.

Drink Photography set up with photoshop layers
This week at Studio 3, photographer Henry Ngan got things revving with a photo shoot of a new app called the Perfect Drink App-Controlled Smart Bartending. The new product from Brookstone is designed to make the perfect cocktail.Do you ever come across a stunning drink photo and wonder, How did they do that!? We can’t reveal all of our secrets but we can show you a behind the scenes look at the process of professional drink photography.
Shooting a cocktails for drink photography shootPreparation for cocktail photo shoot cutting lemons
Setting up the hero shot of the cocktail and new technology
At the end of the day, Henry nailed a beautiful and elegant representation of a brand new product that is soon to be in the homes of everyone you know. Give us a ring and dazzle the world with your product with professional images that only Studio 3 can provide.
Final image of cocktail app production shoot