Food Photography: Dripping with Talent

Back in action yet again, Studio 3’s food photography knight in shining armor, David Bell has got a series of photos that has us all ready to get down and messy with some breakfast, lunch, dinner, dessert, and everything in between!  It’s no news that we love all of David’s work here at the studio and this shoot was no exception.  Much like with his condiments series, David’s new photographs focus on one of food’s finest compliments rather than any specific food itself.  And this time the culinary companion wasn’t a thing so much as it was an action…a spectacle if you will: The Perfect Drip!  Have a look at the amazing, scrumptious, time-stopping photos below and see if you can keep yourself from getting hungry (here’s a tip: you won’t be able to)!
While food photography can always get our taste buds itchin’ for some action, the drips in David’s new series had us all thinking beyond the poppin’ images and more about the essence of what each photo represents.  The gooey, sweet, warm stream of honey drizzling down, perhaps onto some early morning toast, reminded us of the comfort of having that first bite of food every day; the savory soy sauce cascading off of the succulent shrimp, letting the excitement and fun of a nice dinner out flow freely; the thick, creamy coat of chocolate hugging the strawberry, of the ultimate “treat-yourself” nights spent under covers with some sweets and a good movie!  Here’s what David had to say about his shoot:
I wanted Bright, Fresh, Fun, and Delicious images that make you want to eat.  YUMMY was a key word for me.  Action, movement, just dipped, ready to drip, and going to get it on me!  Using a white background was the only option for these bright, clean images, really letting the items’ colors POP!  I had to make sure that the strobes were set to fire as short as fast as possible so that I could stop the motion and capture the moment.
As with any of his shoots, David turned to his trusty Hasselblad H-39 and Speedotron Studio Strobe Lighting setup to create the jaw dropping, stomach-growling photos.  Great job David, now let’s go get some grub!

Food Photography

Food Photography

Food Photography