Gettin' Our Fashion Photography on at Discovery Park!

It was a beautiful early winter day and Dana Jonas decided to take one of her favorite models out to get her fashion photography on! It was a great day to capture lens flares and the beauty of a well knit sweater. The difficulty of fashion photography lies in creating an idealistic image, that makes you not only want to seize the day, but also while wearing this season’s newest boots.
Dana Jonas does love a challenge and couldn’t believe the fall like images she was able to capture. Tricia Eastman was her model and was nothing short of exceptional for this All American beauty shoot. The inspiration behind this particular shoot was the Northwest, getting cozy and enjoying a walk around beautiful Discovery Park. Dana was able to capture images that look as if they have a natural filter. However, we must admit the best thing about this shoot is most likely the location.
If you are looking for a great place to show off your Winter fashion you should definitely check out one of our favorite locations, Discovery Park. It is situated on the Magnolia bluff overlooking the Puget Sound. It is one of the most beautiful Seattle city parks and allows for such day activities as paddle boating, kayaking, and hiking. It is basically a Northwester’s dream! The park also has a charming lighthouse that would be inviting to anyone. It’s a must to check out the beach and the old row of yellow houses. We look forward to our next shoot at this stunning Seattle park. To shoot at this park commercially, contact Seattle Parks for a permit. You can check out Dana’s images from the fashion photography shoot below and for more information on Discovery Park, check out their website!

Fashion Photography

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