Portrait Photography: Searching for Spring?

The Northwest’s bipolar weather patterns have led us to believe that Spring is either right around the corner or Mother Nature is being a tease. We are definitely hoping for the latter. With a week of nothing short of beautiful weather, Friday has us down in the dumps again. The gray overcast blanket hanging over the city has left photographer Dana Jonas weary about going outside, yet inspired to shoot some portrait photography that expresses her continuous search for the Northwest’s favorite season, Spring. Read her thoughts on her distress or perhaps her lack of Vitamin D:

Sometimes I just have to shoot what I feel. Oh Seattle, how I love to hate you. Every year come April and May, it feels like winter drags on forever. A part of me refuses to accept that the NW doesn’t get summer until July, so they say. I do whatever I can to let my frustrations out via photography, but of course it doesn’t always work in my favor. I would say I am a sun child do to my past living situation, which for many of my formative years I believed was hell, otherwise known as Phoenix. I would whine and whine about the sun to no end. And now I can’t wait for the sunshiney warmth to wash over me. I don’t know, maybe I’m being punished. But hey, the punishment only inspires me.

In this particular portrait photography shoot I had our in house assistant Chris pose as a Sherlock Holmes’ esque character searching for the first signs of Spring! It was so fun finding the costume and even more fun getting the grass, along with the fun colors to all work together in studio. It was a portrait success. Now, if only this weather could turn around…

Check out her fun portrait below.

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