Product Photography by Craig Wagner!

We love testing out the latest gear releases, so when we had the chance to test out the Broncolor Scoro S power pack we decided we wanted to test it to the limit! What better way to see what it can do then to combine it with an afternoon of water splashes and fruit drops. Here are a few words from Craig Wagner who loves Product Photography!

My first intention was just to test out the pack. What I found is that the Broncolor Scoro S pack is extremely versatile with the ability to adjust flash duration, as well as the triggering delay. We setup a 33 gallon tank filled it with water powered up the Scoro S pack, attached two heads, one with a medium umbrella on the background and another with 7-inch silver reflector coming from just right of camera.  Sometimes with the newer photo equipment you have to refer to the user manual in order to figure out all the little intricacies of the equipment.  But the Scoro S is very user friendly with a fantastic display menu allowing the user to easily navigate and adjust to the desired settings.  We played around a lot with the adjustable flash duration settings dialing it one way or the other depending on if we wanted a little motion drag or tack sharp precision in our image.  For the first image I suspended the apple just below the water surface and used a stream of water to create the burst.

Product Photography

 The second image was created by dropping the peppers into the tank of water.  Using the studio’s infrared triggering device allowed us to consistently capture the peppers in the desired placement.

Product Photography

For this shoot I used the Canon 5d Mklll with the Canon 100mm lens.  With the camera attached to the infrared trigger we were able to simultaneously remotely fire the camera when the infrared lazer stream was broken by the motion of the falling peppers. – Craig Wagner