Ready, Set, Fall!

The alarm is going off, it’s time to start the day. The number one thing that helps with this process? Coffee. That warm, wonderful wake-me-up-cup. Portland and Seattle are known for their hole-in-the-wall coffee shops along with their hand roasted coffee beans. If you’re more of a stay-at-home coffee drinker, Espresso Supply in Seattle, WA, has phenomenal products and tools to help anyone who’s interested in using, making, (AND TASTING), specialty coffee and coffee products.
With fall comes cold weather, which means an extra excuse to pile on the layers. Start this season looking F R E S H – outside AND on the inside, too. The cold weather brings more hours spent inside, and opportunities for a refreshing drink…water. Yes, water. Those florescent lights can be draining, so hydrate, hydrate, hydrate. PLUS, water is good for your brain. Really good, especially if it’s mineral infused water.
Ride to work in style. Biking is in, and it’s in big time. People do their part to save the environment, they exercise and look sleek while cool cruising to first period class or that 8am meeting. Finding the right bike for your lifestyle can be a bit time consuming. River City Bikes in Portland, OR, is a great place to start. They’ve been around the block for twenty years, and can help you with that first new (or used) bike purchase. Looking for a less “traditional” type of bike? Look no further.
Admit it. A phone is a good distraction for that afternoon slump. With the amount we use them these days, they’re always visible. People don’t just want their phone to be smart, they want them snazzy & sexy. There’s plenty of alternatives to all those Apple products, too.
Eating is an important component to a productive day at school and work. People say breakfast is the most important, but we say lunch! If you don’t have time to pack your PB&J in the morning and want to spice things up, try this pulled pork recipe. It’s fast and easy. Everyone around you will be oinkin’ at you for a taste.
Ready, set, GO! Give Studio 3, Inc., a call this fall season. We look forward to hearing from you.