Spring Into Style With Keds!

Spring means a lot of things: blooming flowers, constant showers, and our favorite… spring-cleaning. Now, before you decide to write us off as crazy, it’s important to consider the positive outcomes that spring-cleaning can bring. In the best-case scenario, you will open up your closet (that by now looks worse than the aftermath of “Twister”), throw away your worn-out kicks and threads, and HOPEFULLY replace them with new ones. However, in the chance that you experience the worst case scenario… Well, we can’t help you with that. BUT we can produce some pretty sick photography and would LOVE to use your closet as a still-life, that is if nothing is growing in it. But, for the sake of helping you spring into style, let’s just say this is a best case scenario. So get ready to do a little seasonal shopping! With that said, let us introduce you to our favorite spring essential, one the most emblematic shoes in history, the Keds’ classic Champion Sneaker. Keds
This undying style was captured by lead shooter, Craig Wagner. Craig created this elegant black and white image by doing what he does best: applying  just the right amount of light and shadow for a flawless, timeless look. However, Craig isn’t the only star in this production. Did we mention our Portland Studio Producer, Liz the Whiz, is building her hand and foot modeling portfolio? If you want these photogenic stems in your next shoot, contact Studio 3 for bookings. You hear us Keds!? To put it plain and simple, if you’re one of those spring-cleaner’s out there who happens to own a pair of stylish Keds, let us be the first to admit it’s not always necessary to say “goodbye” to the old. Unless you don’t own a pair. In that case, get to cleaning your closet and say “HELLO” to the new!  Get off on the right foot this morning and go get yourself a pair of Keds… the only shoe worthy enough to pass under the spring cleaning radar.