Time Will Tell…


LaCoste’s stylish watch blends elements of dignified grace and exquisite fashion. Its dynamic look requires a dynamic image that only Studio 3 can deliver.  Photographer Trevor Boone pulled out all of the stops, shooting in Seattle’s Union Station, a backdrop uniquely suited to reflect LaCoste’s class and refined elegance.


Using mostly natural light, Photographer Trevor Boone turned the bustling public area into his own personal playground as he navigated through the uncontrolled environment with skill and precision.  The result is a backdrop with character, proving that Studio 3 can shoot anywhere and everywhere.



Not only will our team locate a picture-perfect setting, we’re also experienced in hiring the right talent for your project whether that means partnering with agencies or holding open casting calls in our studios…. and if you need some cute kittens to get the puurrrrrfect image, we can handle that too! 


 Studio 3 is the premiere photo studio in the Pacific Northwest specializing in long-term partnerships with the top companies in their field.  Now is the time to reach out and bring a spotlight to your brand with precision and authority.