Drones: Bringing you the Bird’s-Eye View

Studio 3, Inc. provides a different perspective with our drone photography and videography in Portland, Seattle, and surrounding areas. With our in-house creative team and drone specialists, we can surely turn your vision into reality.

Studio 3 drone photography and videography
Photo by Josh Romberg

Drones have become a standard in photography and videography. The innovative use of drones can be seen in all types of media, marketing, and advertising. Brands such as Red Bull, Coca-Cola, and GE have turned to aerial imagery on their campaigns. Likewise, a Budweiser commercial took to the sky recently to showcase their switch to 100% renewable electricity from wind power. A message portrayed powerfully by flying above the turbines.

As the use of drones has evolved, so has photography. The technology has advanced rapidly in recent years making it a highly sought-after service. The creativity of drone photography and originality of drone videography leave a lasting impression. From above, everything and anything takes on a different shape, color, and texture.

Studio 3 drone photography and videography
Photo by Josh Romberg

The drone market has grown tremendously. Now more than ever drones allow access to artistic landscapes and imaginative angles. These creative heights would otherwise be difficult to photograph without cost prohibitive, and somewhat dangerous methods. (Cranes, planes, and ladders…yikes.)

Studio 3 drone photography and videography
Photo by Josh Romberg

Do you need a sky-high shot of your product, building, or winery? We’ve got a drone specialist for that.

Drones offer a new perspective and create eye-catching imagery. Something that seems so familiar can be transformed by our creative team and camera with wings. Adding value to your mix of content, Studio 3, Inc. provides expert images and video drone services. Leave it to our skilled photographers to create pristine aerial images and video for your creative needs.

In the confluence of flight, camera, and the harnessing of light lies a magical perspective of the gravity-bound every day that surrounds us. This view is at once powerful and humbling, truly the stuff of dreams. That is the excitement I try to bring to my images every time I put a drone in the air.” Josh Romberg Studio 3, Inc.

Studio 3 drone photography and videography
Photo by Josh Romberg

Take advantage of the creative opportunities drone technology offers and the know-how from the team. As a result, the finished product will astonish your clients and customers. Drone photography is a powerful tool and resource for your campaign to stand out.

Let us take your photography and videography to great heights.


Our Process: From Start To Finish With Studio 3

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When Studio 3 begins a photography or branding project, our first step is to sit down with the client and dream up ideas. Collaborating on a concept might involve a handful of approaches, depending on the project at hand – anything from examining examples of similar work, creative brainstorming with our in-house team, and establishing a shared visual language using Style Guides, Mood Boards, or Pinterest. Below you can see an example of what a typical brainstorming session looks like at Studio 3.
IMG_5522Once an idea is hatched, our Producer-Extraordinaire Eva Goldfarb kicks it into high-gear – scheduling stylists, organizing set builds, balancing budgets, and handling any propping/costuming as needed. This work frees up our clients and photographers to stay in a creative mindset, and not get caught up in the operational details of the project.
15611T_Tea TestOnto the shoot! Photographer Craig Wagner is among the best photographers in the Northwest – and has been with the studio since the early days. Forever perfecting his craft, Craig does what it takes to get the perfect shot – even if it means inventing a new piece of equipment specifically for the shoot at hand.   

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We have a good time on set

_DSC0489Lastly, our Digital Team steps in and works their magic.  The processes of Color Grading and Digital Retouching are extremely intricate – just ask Sean Yates, one of our in-house Graphic Artists:

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“Color and clarity are of central importance when retouching images. …We always strive for and deliver accurate color.”

In reality, the Digital Team does a lot more than just retouching:
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Finished product:
And that’s not the end! Studio 3 partners with the same clients year after year because they love the end result, and appreciate the creative relationships formed. We take the utmost pride in these collaborations and are always striving to bring something new and exciting to the table for the next shoot. Give us a call today, and find out how Studio 3 can help elevate your brand with the coolest+catchiest photography in the Pacific Northwest.

Let's Unpack This: A Look Inside Studio 3's Location Lighting Kit

When shooting lifestyle or product photography on location in the Pacific Northwest you rarely know what you’re going to get. The rain gods in our home states of Oregon and Washington are prevalent and powerful. Deluge or mist, the Studio 3 team arrives on location prepared for anything.
How do we juggle variously lit environments, keep a tight timetable and budget, and still exceed our client expectations? Experience. We have perfected our method in the madness that is this glorious industry.  Now, thanks to the Internet and the power of social media marketing, we are able to share some of that wisdom with you.

What does the Studio 3, Inc. team need to create beautiful photography on location, you ask?

Be it a location shoot for Danner Boots, ShedRain Umbrellas, Amazon, or Kaiser Permenante our fail-safe location lighting kit includes;

  • Radio Slaves
  • 3 Lighting Stands
  • 3 ft. Soft box
  • Medium Umbrella
  • AA Batteries
  • CTB Gel
  • CTO Gel
  • Light Meter

This minimalistic kit is best used for atmospheric, lifestyle, and commercial work.
“[This lighting kit] is best used in situations where your key light is the light already available. When working on location you’re supplementing available light with the strobes you bring with you. An important part of that is to match the color temperature of that available light—we do this using gels [CTB or CTO]. This allows you to separate your subject from the background and really focus the viewer’s attention on the product. ” – Joshua Romberg, Photographer
In need new lifestyle photography for your next campaign? Give us a shout; we’ll get the gear.

Top Tech Toys for 2017

Yeah, we’re not sure how we made it through 2016 either, but now that 2017 is here we wanted to share what we’re excited about for the NEW year. Although we love raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens as much as the next guy, it’s this batch of new tech products that are making their way to the top of our list of favorite things! Sure, Virtual Reality is hot, hot, hot, but we wanted to highlight some other items that are equally whoa-worthy. If you have a love of photography like we do, then grab your hot cocoa, curl up next the fire, and take a peek at some of the latest and greatest tech toys you just gotta get your hands on this year.
Wacom Cintiq Pro
The new line of Wacom tablets to debut this year are bringing the art back to Photoshop. Small, portable, and affordable, now you can draw and retouch in style, directly on a screen that covers 94% of Adobe RGB colors.

photo credit: Wacom

Microsoft Surface Dial
Even though our studio is equipped with state-of-the-art Apple stations, the Microsoft Surface Dial definitely caught our attention. It brings a tactile feel to editing and makes you feel like Tony Stark while you do it. (Watch the hands on video from TechCrunch.)
photo credit: Microsoft

Adobe VoCo
This sneak peek that was unveiled last month at Adobe Max is bringing video editing to new heights. Soon, you’ll be able to edit sounds the same way you edit pixels, and we can’t wait to try it for ourselves. (Didn’t know we did video? You can see some of our work for yourself here.)
photo credit: Adobe

Chronos High Speed Camera
Want a camera that can shoot 21,000+ fps? Want it for 1/10th the price of other cameras? Um yeah, we can’t believe todays technology is this amazing either! Certainly a game-changer for any cinematographers looking for affordable slow motion capabilities.
photo credit: Kron Technologies

iPhone 7 Lightning splitter
Get a new iPhone 7 and missing some of those old ports? This dongle is a must have for any iPhone 7 owner, allowing you to play music and charge at the same time. Because… multi-tasking!
photo credit: Belkin

Now, reach out and let us know what inventive ideas you’ve got floating around in that noggin and what you’re inspired to create in 2017. We’re ready to collaborate with you on your next photography, video, or digital art project.