Vehicle Photography that will Inspire an Adventure!

We’ll help you plan your next adventure and escape your current dilemma with Jim Felt’s newest addition to our vehicle photography portfolio. Read on to learn about his inspiration behind the shoot:

My absolute inspiration behind this shoot was the Red Cadillac. I saw it leaving a repair shop and knew I had to shoot it. I hunted down the owner and was lucky enough to bring the awesome ride into the studio. This allowed us to create not only my image but the other in addition some great vehicle photography for the studio’s portfolio.
When visualizing my shoot, I was stuck between creating a vintage, time correct piece versus a high roller who owns the car in the new millennium. I decided to go with a Vegas theme that looks as if it could have been shot last week. The thought was a showgirl on the run, hence the real gun and fur coat. I wanted to end with one Bad Ass picture. Originally in my thought process I was thinking red car, redhead…it just so happens I knew just the model and she was perfect for the theme.
In order to capture this image, I used a tall ladder with the camera mounted on top. I wanted the camera mounted on the ladder, so I could step down and direct the model from the shooting floor. I also chose to have a tight shot, so we would not have to enhance the background in digital. We added the yellow stripes in the studio and I lit it to have the vehicle reflect Las Vegas like lights. In order to create these reflections you could say I lit it with a bit of everything. Then wham bam, the image was captured.
I think my favorite thing about this image is how it leaves you questioning…Is she a gangster? Did she kill someone? Is she in trouble? What exactly is she running from? We may never know, but what we do know is we ended up with a great image that in the model’s terms is ‘cool & shit’.


Vehicle Photography

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