Content Eats: 5 Photography Tips to Creating Online Content in 2018

Posted on December 29, 2017

It’s Social Media’s world, we’re just living in it.

As the Social Media Manager for a Photography Studio you would think I’d be set; photos and video content for dayyyz. I wish it were that easy. The truth is everyone works hard at creating enough content to keep the social media beast happy and fed.

Here are a few tips to help you stay on top of your content game.

  1. Production Stills The Studio 3 Team lives for the details of a shoot. Our production team can often be found scouring Hollywood Vintage, in line for Sandwiches at Whole Foods or on set with our sleeves rolled up. These moments are content gold!! Going out to location scout for an upcoming shoot? You know what to do; bring that camera. There are so many moving pieces to a photo shoot, capture them.


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  1. Sunny Day List Much like a rainy day list… but for when you live in the PNW. Have a list of Test* ideas at the ready so that if you find an hour or two of free time, your photographers are out creating content!


Keen Boots 094  — Studio 3, Inc. 

  1. Plan Ahead Scrambling for content is not fun. Identify your top performing platforms and plan the content for them for the next month. That may seem daunting but before you know it you may have the next 3 months planned (guilty). We use an internal calendar and Microsoft Excel, but this could easily be done with Google docs as well. This allows you to plan internal shoots for specific themes, categories, and special events.


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  1. Inspiration Pages Creative block prevention 101. Keep a folder of inspiration images on your desktop, or create a page on Pinterest so when your not feeling at the top of your game you can rely on past-you’s creative genius.

Screen Shot 2017 12 13 at 10.19.10 AM  — Studio 3, Inc.

  1. Company Culture Make content a part of your company culture. Outside of work, it’s hard to get through a meal without someone pulling out their phone to “get one for Instagram.” Why not utilize that in the work place? Designate a company phone as the “social media phone” so that everyone can participate in your company’s story.

 RAZ SIMONE 9075T (20 of 38)  — Studio 3, Inc.


*Testing, testing, one, two, three. When we are not delivering smiles and beautiful photography to clients, we are out creating it for ourselves. You heard me right; we are constantly flexing our creativity—keeping our portfolio fresh and artist souls happy.

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