Editorial Photography – Fitbit Hamburger

Photo of a man wearing a pink FitBit holding a dripping lettuce hamburgerIt’s the first week of the New Year already…how are those Resolutions going?
Creating Resolutions each year in an effort of renewal and self-improvement is wonderful, but Studio 3 has never veered from our Resolution of providing great photography for discerning clients. Our goal, year in and year out, is to create photographs that stop you in your tracks, make you think twice, grab your attention, and welcome you into a world of sumptuous food and drink, stellar products, cutting-edge technology, cool vehicles, and a fun lifestyle.
For our first shoot of the New Year, Studio 3 Team created a mouthwatering editorial photography shoot featuring one of our favorite fitness products: the Fitbit. A pink one. On a heavily-tattooed male arm. Because every manly man needs his Fitbit along with him, tracking his exercise, activity levels, steps per day, and most importantly, his indulgences.
The brief was to create a “healthy” version of a hamburger that would go literally hand-in-hand with the Fitbit lifestyle. To that we looked no further than Carl’s Jr.,’s Low Carb ThickBurger®, and sought to re-create the healthy lettuce-wrapped delicacy in-house. Food Stylist Allyson Carroll cooked the burger from scratch, stacked it up, wrapped it in lettuce, and added the perfect amount of ketchup to make the burger look delectably juicy.
Studio 3 Photographer Henry Ngan is a master of lighting, and for this shot he focused on the freshness of the burger utilizing a crisp, bright “beauty” light. He backlit the white wall behind, and shone a spotlight on the burger to bring out its succulent texture. The abundance of white and the absence of a background made, just like the latest iDevice from Apple, the focus all about the product in the foreground.
Unlike product photography, Editorial Photography takes a familiar concept and makes a statement. In this case the statement was made by pairing contradictory elements. In post-production the gangsta letters and right wrist tattoos were digitally added to the model’s knuckles to make him look even less likely to own a Fitbit in pink (and if we hadn’t told you, would you know those tats didn’t actually exist?) Lead Digital Artist Alex Gumina integrated the tattoos into the image seamlessly, and struck a good balance between drippy and gooey for the ketchup falling out of the burger. Finally he achieved the perfect harmony between burger and Fitbit by creating the same level of sharpening on both, and added contrast and color to the Fitbit to give it its own pop.
The Studio 3 Team can take any food or product photography brief and create a fun twist that marries them into some eye-grabbing editorial photographs. Give us a call to inquire as to how we can bring that juiciness to your next shoot, or stop by one of our Pacific NW locations to get a taste of the Studio 3 lifestyle.
Photographer: Henry Ngan
Photography Assistant: Jonny Brandt
Producer: Liz Swales
Food Stylist: Allyson Carroll
Model: Jacob Cotner, Muse Model Management
Digital Artist: Alex Gumina
Equipment: Canon 5D Mk III, 100 mm Macro Lens

Lifestyle Photography – Legs Under the Table

A photo of a woman's legs playing footsie with a manWho was your first love? Bringing you back to the days of innocent flirting, shy smiles, accidental touching, and sideways glances, we wanted to capture that special spark between two lovers. Back to the days of when first love blossomed, when the world was magical and amazing and a peanut shell-strewn floor was just a backdrop to the Beginning of That Sweetest Thing.
One of Studio 3’s specialties is shooting provocative lifestyle photography that tells a story. We are also known for high-end footwear photography. With this project the brief was to combine the two by focusing on some fabulous shoes…worn by a young couple in love. We strove to create a new twist on standard shoe photography by creating a fun, moody, sexy environment, with a setup that could be open to a variety of interpretations. Where is this happening? Is it their first date? Did they just meet? Are they playing? Are they flirting?  Is their love forbidden? Are these teenagers? Is the guy just not that into her?  Open-ended setups in lifestyle and editorial photography can invite more interest from the casual viewer: extremely valuable for the Client and realizing a good ROI on ad campaigns.
For the set we created a warehouse-style look littered with peanut shells on the floor, inspired by the iconic Rodeo Bar & Grill in New York. (R.I.P., Rodeo Bar – we’ll miss you!) The lighting for this piece was stark, created by an oversized spotlight pointed in through the windows. It was aimed directly at the legs and the shoes to bring attention to the product featured. The contrasty look helped highlight the rich colors of the clothing and set, as well as bring out the roundness and sexy contours of the female model’s legs.
Photographer Henry Ngan‘s ability to capture fun sets and people in their environment was essential to making this shoot work. (The peanut shells were actually his idea!) In his direction, Henry created a simple, casual setup where nothing was absolutely perfect and straight-laced: the look he was going for was fun, young, and sexy but overall realistic. The peanut shells on the floor were placed in a manner where they looked messy…but not too messy. The shoelace on our male model was purposely styled in disarray, and his jeans were rolled up casually. Everything had to evoke a sultry mood paired with a sense of humor to make it work and be thought-provoking.
So how did we do? Are you brought back to your first date and young love in its prime? And how do you feel about those shoes?
If you’re looking for more lifestyle photography that tells a story check out our full portfolio here, and if you’re ready to fall in love with your advertising photography all over again, give us a ring. Dial L for L-O-V-E or 503-238-1748 [Portland] or 206-282-0939 [Seattle] for Studio 3.
Producer: Liz Swales
Photographer: Henry Ngan
Digital Artist: Alex Gumina
Equipment: Canon Mark III, 85 mm lens, Speedotron Fresnel optical spotlight
Featured Footwear: Delman Shoes, Converse

Editorial Photography – Weed Drops

Photo of a Woman's Hands with Weed Drops and Baby BottleToday’s the day! With legalizing cannabis up for vote in Oregon, Alaska, and Washington D.C., we thought it timely to blow some smoke at the establishment and share our latest Editorial Photography project Weed Drops.
To create a visual pun requires taking a traditional environment and the viewer’s expectations – and turning both on their heads. The brief was to create something controversial and racy, telling a story by utilizing props and setting to create visual interest. The goal was to make people say “What?” and “Why?” and spark some good ol’-fashioned social commentary.
Despite the homey setting for the backdrop, the lighting had to be elegant and chic. The Studio 3 Team endeavored to evoke a moodiness to the scene with an overall warm yellow tint. Yellow was selected because not only can it evoke warm, pleasant feelings, but it can also act as a warning signal, indicating danger. That combination underscored the controversy surrounding the social issue of marijuana legalization. All of the props, wardrobe, and jewelry were selected by Producer Megan Nolan to create an environment of luxury and excess. The label on the weed bottle was created by Digital Artist Carl Beery and attached to the selected bottle.
One of Photographer Chris Eltrich’s strengths is capturing both comedy and many elements within a single shot – which made him the ideal choice for this editorial photograph. Utilizing a longer focal length on the camera, he created a shallow depth of field in the foreground to draw more attention to the hands and baby bottle. Harmonizing the many different props was a challenge, but the Team styled the ideal array of baby food jars, toy, kitchen utensils, and pacifier to focus everything on the action in the center of the frame. What came together was a blend of stellar product photography with ironic social commentary.
When we’re not pushing the envelope on high-end Editorial Photography we also create award-winning digital art, cool footwear photos, cutting-edge technology photography, and mouthwatering food and beverage photography. Check out other portfolio images above, and if you’re in Oregon, Alaska, or Washington D.C., don’t forget to cast your vote today on this burning issue!
Photographer: Chris Eltrich
Producer: Megan Nolan
Props/Set/Wardrobe: Megan Nolan
Digital Artist: Carl Beery
Lighting: Speedotron Strobes, Beauty Dish, and large Softbox
Camera: Hasselblad H-System Camera with HC 210mm Lens

Break A Cool Sweat

Here we are in the HOT HOT HEAT of the summer and there’s no way we are hanging up our bathing suits just yet! While breakin’ a cool sweat and trying to stay cool, Studio 3 brought in the Marquis Spas  ATV (Aquatic Training Vessel) for a much needed dip. The ATV was delivered on a trailer and was fork-lifted into Studio 3. From there, the team hauled that huge piece of heaven onto a custom-built stage. It took 2 days to fill it up and get it to a temperature that was juuuust right. Once the bubbles were flowing, the cameras started rolling. 
Marquis Spas
Studio 3 has had the pleasure of working with Marquis Spas for many years now. The California based company founded in 1980 strives to provide top-of-the-line aquatic products that aid in rest and relaxation for the “ultimate soaking experience.” 
For this particular shoot Studio 3 Film Director of Video Production, David King, filmed the features of the ATV while our Lead Photographer, Craig Wagner, caught some overhead and underwater shots. Craig gives a bit of insight on this splish-splash shoot:
“I was piggy-backing on the video shoot of Marquis’ new ATV. The client wanted to feature someone working out (water aerobics) from under the water’s surface. Since the tank was blue, we chose to give the image an overall blue hue by gelling the key lights.
I shot this using a Canon 5D MKIII in our underwater housing. I also mounted a Canon 5D MKIII above the tank for the overhead image. I remotely triggered the camera and viewed the images in Lightroom. Speedotron packs and heads were used along with our 8’x14′ lightbank with custom flash tubes.”
Marquis Spas
The end result was comprised of a five-star video and brilliant stills that capture the endless capabilities of a Marquis Spas ATV. If you think you don’t need one, just wait until you watch this.
There’s still a lot more sunshine comin our way for the rest of the summer. If you can’t take the heat, give us a call! Let Studio 3 take care of business while you enjoy the non-stop flow of ice cold drinks to keep you cool.

1 Second Everyday

“There are so many tiny, beautiful, funny, tragic moments in your life — how are you going to remember them all?”
Imagine a movie that includes everyday for the rest of your life…  That’s the motto of the  1 Second Everyday app. As of this May, director, producer, video maker, animator, and app creator Cesar Kuriyama has been recording one second of his life everyday for three years. Kuriyama started creating this video diary on his 30th Birthday and claims that if he lives to see 80, family and friends will have a 5-hour-long accurate depiction of his life. The “1 Second Everyday” app does exactly what the name implies. It allows users to create a video diary of their lives by providing them with platform to record, edit, and store one unique moment a day for a year at a time in order to create an irreplaceable memoir. Kuriyama said that his driving force for this project was the fact that he would gain the ability to flashback through his memories and re-evaluate how he approached each day.
In spirit of this moving idea, David King, our director of video production compiled a 30 second video of what one month with the Studio 3 team looks like… and we’ve all come to realize how lucky we really are! Here’s a 30 second glance at our random, crazy, and beautiful lives:

So, if you’re feeling stressed, excited, discouraged, confused, wired, or tired, go ahead and start your very own video. You might be surprised with the outcome. And if you’re looking for a little extra sunshine in your day, give us a call or pop by the studio. We’ll do everything we can to ensure it’s an experience so grand you won’t need an app to remember it.


Pick Up The Phone!

Stressed about your company’s visual needs? Would you rather spend time having fun in the sun? Let Studio 3 ease your mind this summer. We’ve been smashing out countless videos back to back, while continuously providing outstanding photography and flawless production. Oh, did we also mention that our digital team is amaze balls? Trust us, you don’t want to be the only tanless, overworked one at the company party because you didn’t know about Studio 3. Save the embarrassment of all the “are you kidding me?” looks. We’ll make sure you meet that crazy deadline. There’s no reason to miss out on all the perks of working with Studio 3. And no reason to keep on reading, you’re wasting precious beach time – make a Pina Colada, and start dialing!! Make that golden phone call!!!
And to make it that much easier, if you didn’t have our number yet, here ya go:

Portland Studio 503.238.1748, ask for Dalcetta

Seattle Studio 206.282.0939, ask for Marcella


Stop, Drop, & Knoll

Coined in 1987 by Andrew Kromelow, Knolling is the process of arranging like objects in parallel or 90 degree angles as a method of organization.

Kromelow worked as the janitor for Frank Gehry’s furniture fabrication shop, which at the time was designing for Knoll, Inc. Knoll is known for its angular and modern designs and has over 30 pieces recognized and displayed in the Museum of Modern Art (MoMA). Each night when Kromelow would go to clean-up, he would arrange Gehry’s tools in the form of 90 degree angles for order, visibility, and optimal use. Kromelow called this process “Knolling.”

Years later when contemporary artist, Tom Sachs began working at the fabrication shop he adopted Kromelow’s style of organization as a form of art. He became so inspired by it that he came up with his own personal matra of “Always be Knolling.” This was modeled after Gehry’s famous in-house saying of “Always be closing.”

When Sach’s art became public, the Knolling craze took-off.


And so, to keep Sach’s mantra alive, studio photographer, Chris Eltrich teamed up with commercial stylist, Tristan Weholt to map out and capture Studio 3’s take on camping just in time for the 4th of July.

We know what you’re thinking, “how could you forget the beer and hot dogs!?” Every 4th of July, Americans consume 155 million hot dogs; Many of which are probably roasted over an open fire and enjoyed next to a lakeside view. With that said, need the perfect place to pitch a tent? We have a few suggestions. But regardless of what you do or where you are this 4th of July, don’t forget how lucky you are to be an American. Even if that means shot-gunning as many patriotic brews as you can. Cheers and Knoll on!

Got Plans Friday?

This Friday, uncover an exclusive opportunity to experience Rock ‘n’ Roll history with Studio 3‘s photography friend and neighbor, BlackRapid. Details from their event are listed below:

JUNE 20 | 2014
7-9 PM

BlackRapid is honored to be hosting folk musician and Rock ‘n’ Roll photographer, Henry Diltz. Henry will be presenting his famous images and personal stories of life in Laurel Canyon during the 1960s and 1970s. Henry has the unique ability to capture candid shots that convey a rare feeling of trust and intimacy. He spent many afternoons with The Doors, Crosby, Stills. Nash & Young, Jackson Browne, Eagles, Joni Mitchell, The Monkees and many more. Henry has shot over 300 album covers. This is a great opportunity to hear first hand how these iconic images were captured.
This event is free and open to the public.
RSVP: susie@blackrapid.com


Keep Calm and Take Care of Business!

Rushing through your week? Constantly busy with day to day errands and to-do lists that need checking off? No time for a breather? Well, Studio 3 is here to spread a little wisdom —


Studio 3 is constantly busy finding ways to stay on our creative toes while making sure we’re taking care of business smoothly. Inspired by this outlook on life, our amazing Portland Studio Assistant Jonny Brandt speaks on what moved him to come up with this concept:
“I wanted to take the concept of multi-tasking in the workplace and exaggerate it in a fun way. By combining this with meditation, my goal was to remind the viewer to always keep a good balance in your life.”
From time to time we get caught up in the hustle and bustle of the constant work flow and we forget to remind ourselves that taking a deep breath and break for ourselves is just as important as staying on top of our daily duties. Finding balance is key, whether it be a rolled up yoga mat tucked under your arm next to your briefcase, 5 minutes of mediation during lunch hour, or a martini after a meeting – whatever floats your boat.
With summer weather inching its way closer and closer to the Pacific NW, there are tons of Yoga conventions hitting cities near you! Now is a great time to take advantage of the outdoors and show off those yoga poses!  Grab everyone at the office and take a field trip to finding inner peace, “Auuuummmmm……”