It’s that time of year again. Chilly weather, goofy sweaters, stockings, snowmen, reds and greens, oh and presents! Heck yes we love Christmas time…who doesn’t? Here at our lovely Seattle location, the Studio 3 team’s been getting our dose of all things Christmas, decorating, shopping, loving each other, and all that jazz. There is one thing we’re missing a bit of though and it’s one of the key ingredients to a classic white Christmas (hint: it’s the white part).
Here in Seattle, a fluffy blanket of snow makes for a real love/hate relationship. We LOVE to play in it, turn it into cute snowmen, throw balls of it at our dearest friends, and catch it on our tongues (missing school because of is also pretty great). We HATE walking through it, getting it in our socks, when it turns to slush, and most of all driving through it. We don’t see each other much, snow, and us Seattlites and the Studio 3 team was feeling the need for some snowfall around the workplace. So what’d we do? We made it snow, of course!
One of the perks of being a photo studio is having props galore at our fingertips, so our holiday parties, aside from being super fun and wild, are always beautifully decorated. Check us out below in our new photo from this year’s party. We pulled out our favorite Christmas props and got warm and cozy under the studio snowfall. Some things of importance to note and think about: Chris’ tiny cup and huge mullet, the mystery of what Alex is afraid of, and our little plant friend that came to hang out for the photo.
We had a blast and can’t wait for all the family and friends time coming up in the next few days. And of course, we can’t wait to get through that wrapping paper to all those tempting new toys. Here’s to hoping you have as great a Christmas season! Happy Holidays from Studio 3!